What Others Say About Us

We are so humbled and grateful for the amazing community we are blessed to be a part of. Below, you can read some amazing stories from our parents, our current and former staff, and members of our wider community.

Parent Testimonials

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We are not an observant family. Yet, all three of our children attended STA. The dual curriculum was perfect since they learned all the secular subjects as well as a beautiful Judaic studies curriculum. The teachers were warm, loving, and effective. They were excellent role models. Parents always wonder if the public schools are better equipped to educate and I can tell you from firsthand experience that the public schools were inferior to STA. And the values espoused by STA cannot be found in the public schools.

The children bring home the beauty and inspiration of Judaism. There is no comparison to a secular/public school. Some think there are “sacrifices” to sending your kids to a small Jewish day school but what the children learn about their Jewish heritage and Jewish identity far outweighs the loss of soccer or music. These can easily be pursued after school.

Mitchell and Robin Berko

Former School Parents

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Our son has been going to Shalom Torah Academy for a few years now. He enjoys going there and we very happy with his Academics. We are also very happy with the Jewish studies and believe that they are having a very positive effect.

Richard and Raisa Misyuk

Current School Parents

Current & Former Staff Members

As trendsetters in the field of Kiruv, Shalom Torah Academy has developed an unparalleled network of schools and an educational curriculum that has been successful in bringing thousands of people closer to Torah and Yiddishkeit. Today, Shalom Torah Academy of Western Monmouth County continues educating and influencing scores of families and children with knowledge of basic and advanced Torah study.

With a well-developed curriculum in the Judaic and General Studies programs, students are guided to advance and grow as Jews and American citizens. Building on the successes of the past 40 years, Rabbis Scharf and Kramer continue the legacy of this icon of education. Warmth, devotion, and dedication to the individual student are the hallmarks of the school.

I am gratified to see the school flourish beyond all expectations. The positive atmosphere of the school is apparent on the faces of the students. School pride is evident in every aspect of the school. Standing at the school entrance each morning, you will meet children who are excited to come to school and teachers who are passionate to teach. At the end of the day, you will witness children who are happy, content, and feel accomplished.

I am confident that any investment in Shalom Torah Academy will be the best you've ever made.

Rabbi Yaakov Freedman